Is the Beachbody on Demand Trial worth it In 2022?

Beachbody on Demand’s FREE trail allows people to access more than 1500 workouts over a 7 to 14-day period. You get access to meal plans, workout calendars, supplementary workout information, and the ability to stream videos on any device. This allows you to experience Beachbody on Demand before deciding to subscribe.

So, you’re interested in the Beachbody on Demand free trial, huh? Since you’re here asking me about it instead of on the Beachbody site signing up, I assume you’re still on the fence about it. 

How do you get it? What do you need to get started? What do you get with it? Is there any risk? I’ll answer these questions and many more to help you when it’s time to decide whether or not to commit to a long-term paid subscription.

This is a long read, but if you don’t have time, you can get the FREE Beachbody on Demand trial here. With special discount of up to 60% for subscribers

 How Do You Sign Up?

This is so simple a child can do it. Well, maybe not. The average child doesn’t have a credit card. You’ll need one. But don’t worry. You won’t be charged a single penny.

So, why do you need a credit card? Like most any free trial, you will be automatically enrolled if you do not opt out before the end of the trial. That’s a pretty standard scenario. 

If you do decide to sign up for the paid version, you will be placed on the quarterly payment plan. Semi-annual and annual plans are also available. You’ll save a little bit of money if you go with the twice-yearly payment plan, and a little bit more than that if you decide to pay yearly. 

Currently, credit and debit cards are the only way to pay. 

Go to the site, click on the free trial and enter your basic info and payment option. That’s all there is to it. You’ll immediately have access to all the benefits of the Beachbody on Demand trial. 

How Does It Work?

When you sign up, you’ll complete a questionnaire of sorts. The purpose is to determine your current state of physical fitness and help you find the best road to your goals. 

You’ll get a recommendation as to what’s the best program for you. But it remains your choice. You won’t automatically be enrolled in anything, and you’ll still be free to try any program that strikes your fancy. I’d encourage you to try the program that they recommend, at least for a few days.

Once you decide on a program, you can start it right away. If you decide it’s not for you, you can stop it. Then you can try a different one. You aren’t stuck with any single one.

When I did the free trial, I started off with one of the body building programs. I liked it so much that I stuck with it for the entire free trial. I ended up subscribing and finishing the rest of that program, which I think was another four weeks or so. 

What Do You Need To Get Started? 

Many of Beachbody’s exclusive fitness programs are available on DVD, as well as streaming content. Of course, the free trial grants you access to the streaming content. Therefore, you’ll need something to watch the content on. 

You can stream on your iPhone, iPad, Android device, PC, laptop, Apple TV, Amazon Fire, Roku or Chromecast. You won’t be limited to just one or two devices either. That’s great, because it’s so portable. I’ve even worked out at the office on my lunch break before. 

All of the programs include some kind of diet or eating plan. I definitely recommend following these nutritional plans. The purpose of the Beachbody on Demand trial is to give you a taste of what you get and, just as importantly, what the programs are like. 

You should have a dietary scale to weigh ingredients. Many of the programs’ nutritional guides call for the use of color-coded containers to measure ingredients, but you can get by with a kitchen scale until you make up your mind about Beachbody on Demand. 

A good workout mat comes in handy for many programs, but it’s not necessary for all of them. If you have one, that’s great. You’ll probably use it. If you don’t have one, you can wait and see if you really need it. 

If you are looking to add muscle, you should have a good dumbbell set. There are several programs that call for them. Some also use resistance bands and workout balls. There’s no need to go out and buy all this stuff right away. But do get some dumbbells if you want to do some weight training. 

That’s pretty much it. You need a debit or credit card, a streaming device, and maybe a kitchen scale, exercise mat, and some dumbbells. 

What Do You Get With The Beachbody On Demand Trial? 

Most free trials give you just a little teaser of the whole deal. They are designed only to get you to buy.

The Beachbody on Demand trial is different. Sure, they want you to buy a full membership. But the trial isn’t a gimmick. It’s designed to give a good enough feel of it actually to be able to decide if it will benefit you. 

You get full access to all of the 57+ programs. That’s right, I said full access. You won’t be limited to certain programs and can stream as often and for as long as you want. 

Beachbody on Demand FREE trial here. Save up to 60% on subscriptions.

What Do The Programs Include?

These regimens are more than just workouts that you follow along with. 

Nutritional Plans

You also get access to each program’s nutritional plan. They’re all different. A weight-lifting program may have a high-protein diet. A weight loss program may have a low-carb, high-fiber eating plan. It all depends on the goal of the program.

You’ll need the color-coded measuring containers for most of the nutritional plans. They are a separate purchase, but just go ahead and estimate the portions during the free trial. 

Progress Trackers 

These are made to help you track your progress on your way to your goals. Yes, you will make some progress during the two-week trial, as long as you don’t cheat on the diets or skip exercises. 

Of course, all of the programs are longer that two weeks, so your progress may abruptly end if you decide that Beachbody on Demand isn’t for you. But if you go for the full membership, you can continue to track your progress as you work whatever program you decide to participate in. 


Each program includes a workout calendar that you can print out or follow online. It is simply a schedule that shows you what exercises you’ll do on any given day. I like it because I can check and see how long I’ll be expected to workout on what days and plan accordingly.

These calendars are also a great way for you to evaluate Beachbody on Demand in its entirety. You can look at each program’s calendar and see how much of your time it will take.

 Other Program Features

As far as I’m concerned, the workouts, eating plans, progress trackers, and calendars are the main features of the programs. But there are some other features that almost all of them have, and they’re worth mentioning here. 

Many programs have music playlists. Of course you don’t have to listen to what they want you to, but it’s an option. 

Almost all programs have some kind of quick start guide. They’re useful for ensuring you have everything you need to start and finish the plan. You’re not going to finish anything on the free trial, but you will if you subscribe. 

Some options have fitness tests that are to be completed before starting the program. They aren’t pass-or-fail tests; They determine a good starting point for you. 

Nearly each beachbody workout program has a modifier worked into the exercises. There’ll be someone to the trainer’s side that looks to be taking it easier than the others on your screen. That person is there to show you a less intense way to do the exercise in case you can’t quite keep up.

 Many programs also have bonus workouts. These may be more intense than the regular ones, or they may just be a little different. Do them if you want to. 

What Is Beachbody On Demand Like? 

Up until now, I’ve talked mostly about the free trial. The trial is a fantastic way to see if it’s for you or not. But I want to tell you all about it so you’ll have all the information you’ll need to make a great choice. 

What Types Of Programs Are There? 

There’s all kinds. There are weight loss plans that melt fat and burn calories. There are muscle building programs that will help you add bulk or lean muscle definition. Some are slim and tone regimens designed to sculpt your entire body into the shape you want. 

Many of them focus on cardio. Not only is cardio great for losing weight, it can also get you toned up and in better overall health. 

Many people work in one program after the next. This kind of approach is awesome for someone who maybe isn’t in the best shape but wants to transform their body and health in a positive way. 

For example, you can start with one of the yoga-based programs, like 3 Week Yoga Retreat, to get limbered up. Then you can start a nice, easy cardio program, like PiYo. From there, you can jump into a more advanced HIIT regimen.

Finally, you could commit to a strength training program to achieve the ultimate chiseled and defined body. This process may take almost a year, but just imagine what better shape you’ll be in. And the total monetary investment would be around $160 for the year’s worth of membership. 

Who Develops The Programs 

All of the exercise regimens, nutritional plans, and supplements are developed by professional trainers. Some of them are world famous. 

Autumn Calabrese is a professional bikini model and has competed in many bikini competitions. She knows how to stay in top shape, and she brings this knowledge and drive to the programs she’s developed.

Sagi Kalev, the developer of Body Beast and Master’s Chisel, is a pro bodybuilder and a veteran of the Israeli army. His ripped form helped him win the Mr. Israel competition twice. 

NASM-certified trainer Joel Freeman created LIIFT4 and co-created Core de Force. He’s also an expert of nutrition and supplements. 

Jericho McMatthews had a hand in the creation of Core de Force and other Beachbody on Demand programs. She specializes in designing fast and intense workouts. 

No writeup of Beachbody on Demand trainers would be complete without a mention of Shaun T. The guy is a living legend. The Insanity workouts are perhaps his most famous creations, and they are a testament to his highly motivational training style. 

What Are The Benefits Of A Beachbody On Demand Membership?

Obviously, you will have full access to all of the full programs. But some other advantages can only be unlocked with a paid subscription. 

First of all, you can get the Shakeology shakes. They aren’t your average protein shakes. They have a ton of protein but are full of vitamins, minerals, trace minerals, and probiotics. They can give you that edge to help you lose weight and get a leaner, more defined body. 

They cost extra, and you have to sign up for auto-shipments to get them, but they are worth it if you are serious about hitting your goals in the shortest amount of time possible. 

There are several supplements available for members as well. Whether you need the extra energy to get through a particularly grueling program, a metabolic boost to lose weight faster or special electrolytes to stay hydrated, there is a supplement that can give you a leg up.

Support is just a click or phone call away, no matter your concern. Beachbody on Demand’s customer service staff is known for their helpfulness and friendliness. Even email inquiries from members are typically answered in less than one day. 

Beachbody on Demand FREE trial here. There is a special subscriber discount available for up to 60% off as well.

What Members Say About Beachbody On Demand 

The talk is generally positive. Beachbody on Demand reviews is full of brags about weight loss and body transformation. People really do lose weight. They really do get lean or bulked up. The programs work when they’re followed, and people respond to that. 

All of the Beachbody on Demand reviews that I link to in the next section feature reviews from actual people who have worked through the program. I didn’t cherry-pick good reviews. I scoured the internet to get an honest, accurate idea of what members thought of the programs. 

A Look At Some Of The Programs 

At last count, there were 57 programs on the Beachbody on Demand platform. They range from yoga for beginners to advanced strength training. Here is a quick overview of some of my favorites in no particular order. 

If any of these Beachdody workouts interests you, check out the full review. Just follow the link to get all the details about each program. 

Note that only a couple of these programs are stand-alone, and you have to have access to Beachbody on Demand to use them.

However, the Insanity Workout and 21-Day Fix programs are available for sale individually. These are two of their best. So if you aren’t into getting a subscription, these can be snapped-up. I’ve left links to the best-discounted copies I could find.

Let’s check them out here. I’ve summarized something here that fits pretty much everyone.

Beachbody on Demand FREE trial here. 60% off savings for subscriptions.


You may have seen PiYo advertised on TV. It is an infusion of cardio, pilates and yoga, hosted by pro trainer Charlene Johnson, that promises to make you stronger and more flexible. 

  • Beginner-intermediate
  • 60 days
  • 23 different workouts, 20-45 minutes each
  • Low impact cardio and light strength training 

3 Week Yoga Retreat

3 Week Yoga Retreat is an excellent introduction to yoga. The focus is on developing form so you can go on to more advanced yoga, if you want to. 

  • Beginner
  • 3 weeks
  • 66 workouts, 10-32 minutes wach
  • Yoga 

Checkout my review of this yoga workout program here

21 Day Fix

21 Day Fix is one of Beachbody’s most famous programs. It’s a great way to lose weight, whether you are in decent shape or are new to exercise. 

  • Beginner-intermediate
  • 21 days
  • 26 workouts, 30 minutes each
  • Cardio 

Focus T25

If 21 Day Fix is too light for you, you may be happy with the intensity of Focus T25. Trainer Shaun T pushes you hard, but he won’t break you in this one. Shaun T condenses 40-minute workouts into a mere 25 minutes in Focus T25. The exercise is intense but very scalable and works well for beginners and advanced enthusiasts.

  • Intermediate
  • 10 weeks
  • 17 workouts, 25 minutes each
  • Cardio 
  • Intermediate
  • 10 weeks
  • 17 workouts, 30 minutes each
  • Cardio 

Transform 20

For a workout that is probably much more intense than other cardio programs you’ve tried, check out Transform 20. It claims to transform both your body and mind by building physical strength and mental stamina. 

  • Advanced
  • 6 weeks
  • 62 workouts, 20 minutes each
  • HIIT 

I’ve written a full review of Transform 20 here to give you some inside scoop on the fast-paced workouts.

Insanity Workout

Shaun T’s Insanity is another advanced cardio program. How intense is it? The name says it all! 

  • Advanced
  • 60 days
  • 45 workouts, 15-60 minutes each
  • Cardio 

The Insanity workout, a beachbody on Demand original, is still the premier fat-melting home workout. Check out my Insanity home workout program review.

Insanity Max 30

In case Insanity isn’t quite insane enough for you, Shaun went ahead and developed Insanity Max 30. Many graduates of the original Insanity go on to challenge themselves even further with this one. All of the workouts are 30 minutes long, which makes it a good program for anyone who wants to workout like crazy, but doesn’t have up to an hour per day to exercise. 

  • Advanced
  • 60 days
  • 45 workouts, 30 minutes each
  • Cardio 

80 Day Obsession

Maybe you’re not insane. Maybe you’re just Obsessed? Well, Autumn Calabrese has a good program for you. She was asked if it would be possible to transform your body over the course of spring to get into bikini shape for summer. She said “Sure, but it would take an obsession!” Men can use it to get into shape too. 

  • Intermediate-advanced
  • 80 days
  • 96 workouts, 30-60 minutes each
  • Slim and tone 

Autumn’s program has been out for some time and is still quite popular. My review is here.

Body Beast

While 80 Day Obsession is geared more toward women, Body Beast was developed by competitive bodybuilder Sagi Kalev for men who want to get buff. 

  • Intermediate-advanced
  • 90 days
  • 20 workouts, 11-53 minutes each
  • Muscle building

Body Beast is a long time favorite of mine. I’ve gone this course a couple of times and even mix it up by integrating workouts from other programs into the schedule. My Body Beast article gives you the full overview.

22 Minute Hard Corps

Tony Horton demands military-like discipline in 22 Minute Hard Corps. He promises you’ll lose weight, burn fat and get toned in just eight weeks. 

  • Intermediate
  • 8 weeks
  • 13 workouts, 22 minutes each
  • Cardio

Tony Horton’s tribute to the USMC with his military inspired workout program is a must try. Check out my review here.

Core de Force

Core de Force is an MMA-inspired cardio program, by BeachBody, that is designed to melt fat and tone your body. The kicks, punches and combos are fun, and you’ll really feel the burn in your core after a few days. 

  • Intermediate-advanced
  • 30 days
  • 20 workouts, 27-47 minutes each
  • Intermediate-advanced

I really enjoy Core de Force workouts. Some of you might recall an older program called TapOut XT. Core de Force is a much better MMA style home workout series. The modifier exercises make it easy for most anyone to get into.


LIIFT4 combines strength training and HIIT for an intense program that will chisel and sculpt your body. You won’t get bored during this one. All of the workouts are unique, and they are never repeated. There’s only four workout days per week, so this is good for busy people who can’t workout every day. 

  • Intermediate-advanced
  • 60 days
  • 51 workouts, 30-60 minutes each
  • Muscle building

My LIIFT4 review gives you an overview of how the program incorporates weights into a traditional high-intensity interval workout program. I find the addition of weights to be a smart approach to getting lean and toner at the same time. This is a really good one.

Tai Cheng

Dr. Cheng will coach you as you retrain your muscles and “realign your body” with the art of Tai Chi in this Beachbody on Demand exclusive, Tai Cheng. It’s gentle enough for beginners and people with disabilities that limit their mobility. 

  • Beginner
  • 13 weeks
  • 67 workouts, 25-80 minutes each
  • Low impact 

6 Weeks of the Work

6 Weeks Of The Work is a bit more intense than Body Beast. There are fewer opportunities to catch your breath, and you are pushed harder. This one is for experienced body builders only. 

  • Advanced
  • 6 weeks
  • 51 workouts, 20-45 minutes each
  • Muscle building 

My 2 Cents on Beachbody on Demand… 

Beachbody on Demand can change your life if you put in the effort and follow every aspect of the program faithfully. A lot of time and hard work went into developing each program, and it takes time and hard work to reap all of the benefits. 

We’ve gone through all of the benefits in this Beachbody on Demand review, and we’ve looked at how easy it is to sign up for the trial. 

It’s legit. There’s no risk, as long as you keep in mind that you’ll have to opt-out before the end of the trial if you decide it’s not for you, otherwise you will be charged for the first three months of the regular membership. 

Are you ready? Go ahead and start your Beachbody on Demand trial today – there is nothing to lose. You can be working out on your first program and be on your way to your fitness goals within minutes!

Beachbody on Demand FREE trial here. Secure a 60% off subscription special discount.

Jeff Carpenter

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