2022 transform 20 review. Can you Really Get Fit in 20 min?

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Transform 20 Review
transform 20 step

Product Name: Transform 20

Product Description: This 6 week fast paced workout delivers high a high calorie burn for accelerated fat loss and cardio performance. If you push it you can expect to burn 250 to 300 calories per workout. That is a really great plus for those of us who are short on time and need to make the most of it. The workouts are dynamic, challenging and Shaun T. is engaging as always. While the program is labeled as "Advanced", there are plenty of modified exercises to accommodate the physical needs for most of us. The workouts will leave you energized and ready to take on the rest of the day. This workout program is super convenient and a must try for anyone interested in Beach Body on Demand workouts. It's only available as part of Beach Body on Demand. I've secured a link below to a Free Trail. let's give it a go!

Brand: BeachBody

Availability: LimitedAvailability

  • User Rating


If you are short on time and want the maximum calorie burn you can get, then Transform 20 will take you there.


Short workouts / maximum calorie burn

Minimal equipment: Step


Although there are modifier exercises, some beginners still might have the workouts a bit tough at first.

Also, the Beach Body on Demand step is pricey. Opt for another brand. We’ve listed a handful of better priced ones in the article below.


The only way to lose weight and get fit is to eat healthier and be more active. That was a lot of work for me when I lost my extra 30 pounds. It would have been much easier and quicker for me of I had an actual plan to follow. All of the guess work about calories, nutrition and the best exercise techniques was frustrating. And it was such a struggle to find the motivation to be active.

My Transform 20 review in this post highlights some of the reasons I wish there was a weight loss plan like this when I was striving to lose some weight.

In a hurry? Get instant access to Transform 20 and all Beachbody on Demand workouts for 14-Days Free. 60% Off Subscription discount.

Is A Fitness Package Right For You?

In the old days, getting fit meant joining a gym or investing in expensive gym equipment.

Then, along came the VHS fitness tapes. These hour-long workout instructables usually lacked any mention of nutrition and diet. They were mostly anabolic or anorexic trainers in bright 80’s leotards spitting out catchphrases like “Get Pumped!”

Luckily, we live in a time when you can find motivational workout and diet regimens made by sensible instructors.

who is shaun t
who is shaun t

Can one of these packages work for you?

If you want an easy-to-follow plan of diet and exercise laid out for you, then you’ll probably benefit from one. If you’d rather formulate your own nutritional and exercise guidelines, you’d be wasting your money. These programs are meant to be followed pretty closely.

If you can stick with a plan, and you feel like you need this kind of structure, I would whole-heartedly recommend a pre-packaged fitness plan.

There are some additional considerations you should think about before sinking money into this.

Do you have the time?

You should, as most of the actual workouts take less than an hour per day. Some programs call for about a half-hour daily. They all vary.

Are you up for vigorous physical activity? If you’re under a doctor’s care for any kind of health condition that can be aggravated by intense activity, you may want to consult your physician before starting.

Do you have to follow a special diet? Most of these programs feature low-sugar and gluten-free meal plans already, but this is something you should look into before committing.

Will you stick it out? Just say yes. You’re going to find the best diet and exercise plan for you, and you’re going to stick to it and get healthy.

Introducing Transform 20

This is a body transformation package that claims to help you lose weight, gain muscle and get into generally better shape in six weeks with just six 20-minute workouts per week.

There are several variations available, but they all come with:

  • A strict nutritional guide
  • Printed materials, including a beginner’s guide
  • Six-week progress tracker
  • Dry-erase wall calendar/tracker
  • Transformation progress stickers
  • Optional: A Beachbody on Demand step

This lower-impact version of Beachbody on Demand’s Insanity workout is good for anyone who wants quick transformation results from an intense, easy-to-follow cardio workout and diet regimen.


  • A different workout every day of the week except for the day off
  • Short, yet intense 20-minute workouts
  • Very clear nutritional guidelines
  • Other than a step, no additional purchases are required
  • Workouts get gradually more intense for a nice break-in period


  • If bought from Beachbody on Demand, the step is pricey
  • The nutritional programs are very strict
  • The workouts, even in the beginning, may be too difficult for those in poor shape or with little stamina
  • Only available via subscription (not an issue)

This isn’t a good option for anyone with heart or joint problems. I encourage everyone to check with their doctor before dramatically increasing their level of physical activity or beginning an intense cardio workout program like this one.

The Nitty Gritty

Now, let’s take a good look at the specific features of Transform 20 and see if it may be a good fit for you.

The Workouts

The actual exercise is led on video by famed personal trainer and fitness guru Shaun T., who holds a B.S. in Sports Medicine. If you’re not familiar with him, he’s a no-nonsense and highly motivated guy. He wastes no time with chit-chat in the Beachbody on Demand series.

The workouts are 20 minutes long, which is great for me because I have a short attention span and tend to get bored easily.

There is a different type of workout each day of the week. That’s another plus for those of us with a touch of the old ADD. I’m not making light of Attention Deficit Disorder. Many people have it to some degree nowadays, and we get better results with things that hold our interest.

You get one day off per week. This is a much needed break. These workouts aren’t time-consuming, but they are tiring. You’ll need this day off to recuperate and relax.

No weights or any other exercise equipment is needed at any point during the program. All you’ll need is a step. Get one from Beachbody on Demand if you want a good one, but be prepared to pay a pretty penny. You can find a similar one online for a fraction of the price.

Just one minute of Transform 20 results in sweat and elevated heart rate. What else would you expect from cardio? Even Shaun said he feels the burn after a few minutes.

Transform 20 live q&A with shaun t.

There is no break during the exercise, and there is no slow down period. It starts hard and finishes hard.

Your legs will get one heck of a workout, let me tell you. That’s because most of the exercises center around the step. Who doesn’t want better muscle tone in their legs?

The steps, lunges, crunches, pushups and other exercises, most of them incorporating the step, work your entire body. You’ll feel the burn not only in your legs, but in your glutes, arms and core as well.

Now, just because free weights aren’t required, don’t think you can’t use them. Get a set of light dumbbells if you want to tone your arms up more quickly. I wouldn’t go too heavy though. This is already a high-burn workout, so get your dumbbells a step lighter than you think you need.

The six weeks of action-packed exercise are broken into three phases. Commit comes first, and it is intended to get you used to the high intensity. Climb is next. It escalates the activity level. Conquer is the last phase, and it is when you may amaze yourself. This phase has some serious sweating involved.

I am impressed with this exercise program. It makes sense, and it is designed to work for people who aren’t used to exercising on a regular basis.

Transform 20 is just one of several dozen workout programs from Beachbody. It can be found on Amazon, but the prices are high because Beachbod no longer sells DVDS.

Try their Beachbody on Demand streaming service for 14-Days for FREE.

The Nutrition

This is where things get somewhat complicated. Of course, you can just eat sensibly on your own. But you’re paying for nutritional support, so why not use it?

Once you decide to go with Transform 20, you’ll have to subscribe to Beachbody on Demand (my full review article). Then you’ll have access to all of the nutritional programs that they have.

The portion control container system is the easiest one to use. The guy in this YouTube video rambles a bit, but he explains it rather well. The containers allow you to measure your portions without a scale. You fill each color-coded container with food from its corresponding food group every morning. The number of containers you eat every day is determined by your starting weight.

You get a colorful and very detailed booklet that lays out your nutritional guidelines. Follow it. Your success with this program depends upon following instructions, even if you don’t follow the yummy recipes. My favorite is the sweet potato hash, by the way.

Whatever nutritional program you follow, it all boils down to faithfully following a sensible diet that is high in fiber and low in calories. I just wish that there weren’t so many nutritional program choices. I find it confusing.

Staying Motivated

During the workouts, Shaun is in your face encouraging you until the 20 minutes are up. “Almost there!” “Keep it up!” “Come on, don’t quit now!”

On your day off, you watch a video of Shaun telling you how close you are to your goal, how well you’ve done to make it this far and so on. I have to say that I really like this guy.

The motivational calendar helps you track your weight loss as you progress through the program. It gets easier to stay on track when you see your success right in front of you like that. Then again, it can be discouraging if you’re not quite satisfied with your results up to that point.

The Beachbody on Demand community is a place, kind of like a forum, where you can get support from other members. Not only can you get advice on exercise, diet and supplements, but you can brag about your Transform 20 results. A little pat on the back from your weight-loss peers can provide some serious motivation.

Your coach may reach out to you from time to time to offer some encouragement and advice. Its nice to know that someone is paying special attention to your progress. You can’t contact your coach, but he can contact you. That irritates me a bit.

The Transform 20 Fitness Step

I have to be honest here. I think the step from Beachbody on Demand is overpriced in comparison to others.

It’s solid and good looking, but I wouldn’t blame you if you got your own 4-inch step from a cheaper outlet.

The Beachbody step can be sometimes over $50 and its not easy to find it elsewhere unluse its used.

They apparently won’t blame you either, because this purchase is optional.

Don’t think that there is aerobics involved just because of the step. This is pure cardio. The step just allows your own body weight to be used as resistance instead of free weights.

The more you weigh, the more resistance you have to work against. I love the simplicity

transform 20 step

We used the Tone Fitness Aerobic Step Platform picked-up from Amazon. Which is a excellent alternative that does the same thing. Without breaking the bank.

I’ve also researched similar alternatives on Amazon that will do the job just well. So you don’t have to worry about spending more than you need.

In general the overall user feedback I’ve seen is positive. Check out these alternative steps.

Transform 20 Step Alternatives:

Tone Fitness Aerobic Step Platform | Exercise Step | Full and Compact Sizes

We used this one for the program. Great for the price overall.

Check Amazon for the latest price

Giantex 31″ Aerobic Step Platform, Non-Slip Surface, Height-Adjustable

Check Amazon for the latest price

EveryMile Workout Aerobic Stepper, 4” 6” 8” Levels Height-Adjustable

Check Amazon for the latest price

Transform 20 results

Overall, I’m pretty impressed with this program as a whole. I’m also a human being, so I felt compelled to check out what people were saying about it online. There is a generally positive vibe about it on the web. Check out some of these impromptu Transform 20 reviews.

Results from the cast

There is always a number of test subjects for Beach Body programs. No, they aren’t lab experiments like you are thinking. They are regular people like you and me.

It’s important to point out that their results aren’t always typical. They had hands-on coaching and had to follow the nutrition and workout as it is set in the program.

There is nothing holding you back from these kind of results. Other than yourself.

transform 20 results
Results from the Transform 20 cast are impressive and believable.

Transform 20 reviews from around the web

I picked-up a few short reviews from people who have expressed their experience with the Transform:20 program. Unlike cast results, these are more like you would expect from someone who did not have the opportunity to be on the production set.

They are pushing through and seeing results though.

What else is out there?

Maybe this isn’t the right regimen for you. Maybe you just want to see how this one compares to similar ones. Maybe you’re just a curious cat and want to see some alternatives. Check these out.


This is a 60-day program that consists of ten different workouts. Each workout lasts for 30 to 60 minutes. You still get one day off per week.

It’s similar to the Transform series in that it uses body weight as resistance. No equipment is needed. Of course, you’ll still have to follow one of the nutritional programs. But that’s a good thing. Any weight-loss program that doesn’t address diet is bound to be worthless.

insanity workout
The Insanity workout is still King when it comes to high intensity interval training, performance and weight loss.

Insanity is a “max interval” training regimen. That means that it works you hard for a few minutes, then allows you to rest for a short period of time. Regular interval training consists of short bursts of exercise and longer periods of rest.

Insanity claims to help you burn up to 1,000 calories per hour. That seems like a stretch to me, but a very well-conditioned athlete may be able to reach that lofty burn rate. Just don’t expect those results yourself.

This one may be a better choice for you if you are not in a big rush to lose your extra weight. Insanity runs twice as long as Transform, so you’ll have a full two months to hit your initial weight-loss goal.

You can read my full Insanity Workout review here. But to cut is short, this program is still the undisputed calorie burning king.

Insanity Max 30

insanity max 30 workout
Insanity Max 30 is an accelerated and shortened version of Insanity. 30 minutes of non-stop workouts will burn you.

“Insanity” is a title that must be well-earned. And this program has earned it.

Each workout lasts for 30 minutes. Or at least it’s supposed to. You exercise like a crazy person until you can’t go on. At first, that probably won’t be a full 30 minutes. You write down the amount of time it takes you to drop on your motivational chart. As you see your time lengthen, you are encouraged to push yourself harder each day.

At least that’s how it’s supposed to work. This may be great for a fitness fanatic, but it’s likely to discourage a beginner.

It wouldn’t be hard to push yourself too far, either. That can lead to trouble getting started the next day. Skipping a day because you did too much the day before can cause more discouragement and another skipped day. It’s called a shame spiral.

In my opinion, beginners should avoid this one. It can be discouraging, sure, but pushing yourself too hard can also be dangerous.

On the other hand, you can see some truly amazing results if you are in good health and have a high level of stamina. Choose a nutritional program that allows some carbs. You’ll need plenty of easily converted energy.

Insanity Max 30 is a real calorie killer and time saver. Often overlooked, but no less effective than it’s venerable brother Insanity workout. Like most others, it can also be followed with Beachbody’s streaming service.

Focus T25

Focus T25 workout
Focus T25 takes the middle ground of most workouts. Demanding enough for veterans and balanced enough for beginners.

This is ten weeks of high-impact cardio.

It’s max interval training, just like Insanity. The difference is that Focus T25’s workouts run for 25 minutes instead of 30 to 60.

Each session works your entire body. This is a great approach because it keeps the soreness down in the beginning. It also prevents you from becoming too fatigued during the first week.

One thing I really like about this one is that each workout begins and ends with stretching. I have to stretch before I exercise, or I’ll end up pulling something. There is also an entire day of stretching. That’s right: You get five days of hardcore workouts, one day of rest and one day of stretching.

Focus T25 also pays attention to the arms. That’s something that is seriously lacking in many cardio programs nowadays.

The chest and back receive a fair amount of attention as well. I like how the exercises are formulated to strengthen the entire body. Toning muscle is important if you want to boost your metabolism and keep that weight off.

A beginner may find this to be a pretty easy deal to stick with. The focus on stretching can help prevent cramps and injuries.

If you are more seasoned or you want quicker results, you may be discouraged by the pace of this program.

T25 is a real favorite of mine and I find it to be one of the more balanced and versatile of the Beachbody workouts from their library.

In A Nutshell…

If you’re carrying around extra weight, like I was, you need to drop it before it takes a toll on your health. It can be a lot easier if you have a structured weight-loss program that addresses the exercise, nutritional and motivational aspects of your endeavor.

This program has been designed by a leader in the weight-loss and fitness world. It encourages you through intense workouts, lays out a good nutritional plan and provides you with all the motivation you’ll need to get back to your ideal weight. Again, Beachbody on Demand has a nearly endless amount of programs to follow and transform 20 is excellent. Try the 14-Day Free trial and claim a 60%-off subscription if its something you enjoy.

Jeff Carpenter

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