A Review on the Alpha Home Workout System

This Is A Full Review Of The Alpha Home Workout System

To get your body looking at its best, you need to put in the hard work to get those all-important gains. And not all of us have the time to head out to the gym every day. 

A great way to get around this is, of course, to do an intense home workout. But with so many different programs to choose from, how can you find the best for your needs?

The Alpha Home Workout System, also known as Specforce Alpha, is one of the best on the market. But like all things good, it does come with a price tag. And it’s only natural that you will want to know whether it’s worth the investment before you take the plunge into the alpha-male territory.

Today we’re going to give you a comprehensive review of the Alpha Home Workout System to decide for yourself that this is the best home workout for you.

What is the Alpha Home Workout System?

The Alpha Home Workout System is a workout program developed by Todd Lamb, a retired SWAT team leader, and fitness coach. 

This is a home workout program that has been designed to be incorporated into your daily life so that you can see the best results possible. 

You won’t need specialized equipment, as the majority of the fitness routines are focused on intensive bodyweight workout routines. So if you’re a regular gym-goer, it may take some adjusting to this new method of working out.

The Alpha Home Workout System isn’t for the faint-hearted. You will need to follow the exercise routines for at least 20 to 30 minutes per day, 5 days a week, to see results. 

There’s no skimping on the effort you need to put in. But, if you want that alpha male physique that can make you look your best, you will need to put total commitment into this program.

This particular home workout program has been designed to help you burn fat and build the lean muscle you need for a more masculine physique. 

In addition, you won’t have to worry about buying any additional expensive equipment or costly supplements. Instead, you get everything you need to have the body you’ve always wanted right in this package. 

The Alpha Home Workout System has been designed with men in mind, so this particular product won’t be best suited for women.

How does the Alpha Home Workout System work?

The Alpha Home Workout System uses a specific workout style to help you burn that fat and build the lean muscle you’re after. 

Whereas other workout styles that you may use in your local gym will focus on lifting heavier weights, with fewer reps, more sets. Followed by longer rest periods (myofibrillar hypertrophy). The Alpha Home Workout System focuses on sarcoplasmic hypertrophy. 

This means more reps, fewer sets, and shorter rest periods. As a result, you may find it more intense than you’re used to. It could even be compared to high-intensity interval training (HIIT). 

However, Todd Lamb believes you don’t need to lift heavier weights to get the body you’re after. However, it does take hard work, dedication, and following his strict exercise routine to maximize your results. So stick to it.

So when it comes to figuring out whether the Alpha Home Workout System is suited to your lifestyle, it’s vital to consider what exactly you’re hoping to gain from this. 

For example, if you just want to lift heavier you need something more substantial like an adjustable weight bench and dumbbells, then this might not be the best home workout for you. However, if you wish to have a lean muscular body without having to spend hours in the gym, the Alpha Home Workout System could be just what you’re looking for.

The Alpha Home Workout System focuses on four phases, split into three targeted missions to help you build your lean muscle mass. It typically runs over 12 months, as your results will be dependent on adopting a fitness lifestyle.

What are the phases?

specforce alpha push ups

Throughout the 12-month workout program, you will be expected to put in the hard work you need to achieve the results you’re after. It consists of 4 different phases, which are split into 3 month periods.

The critical thing to remember is that each phase and mission builds upon the knowledge you gained from the previous phase and missions. So you will need to complete each stage of the training. 

There’s no point in skipping ahead if you don’t like a particular phase, as you will only be cheating yourself out of the gains.

The Alpha Home Workout System typically expects you to work out 5 days a week. You will also get a week’s rest in between each of the 4 phases. Workouts last for around 20 to 30 minutes, so you should be able to find time in your day around other commitments to complete them. 

It will be essential to show up to your workout with dedication and give it your all to get the best results possible.

So let’s take a look at the program’s four phases to see if the Alpha Home Workout System is the right fit for your needs.

First phase: Basic Operation

To kickstart your foray into an alpha territory, you’ll need to get to grips with the basics so that you can make those crucial gains. 

This Basic Operation phase gives you basic exercises that you will need to follow, starting with a 5-minute warm-up, then leading into full-body bodyweight exercises. These are designed to target your whole body so that you can lay the foundation for building your strength, mass and losing that body fat.

The Alpha Home Workout System will walk you through how many reps and sets you to perform, what your rep cadence should be, and how long you should rest between each set. You will then have to cool off with body stretching at the end of each workout. 

The main thing that sets the Alpha Home Workout System apart from other programs is shorter rest periods between each set.

Whereas you would be spending your rest day sprawled in front of the TV with other workouts, you will be expected to use an active rest phase. 

This means you don’t have to follow the exercise regime on the two days you should get cycling, swimming, or walking.

This phase will be split into three different missions: alpha, bravo, and charlie. We will cover these missions in more detail down below.

Second phase: Specialist Phase

The second phase ramps intensity quickly. Then, again, you’ll take your new knowledge and begin to increase the reps and sets during each workout. 

This sets the alpha building blocks in place on the foundations you’ve laid with your hard work in the first phase.

This is where you will start to lessen the rest time you have in between each set. You will also need to start and end your workouts with warm-up and cool-down stretches to properly prepare your body for the session.

As with the first phase, the Specialist Phase is split into three missions to acclimate your body to this hard work. At the end of this second phase, you should start to notice results. Your stamina should have significantly increased, and you should see a change in your strength.

Third phase: Special Forces Operator

By the time you’ve reached phase three, you will be well on your way to becoming the alpha male that you’ve always wanted to be. The Special Forces Operator phase is where you will work on increasing your resilience and your workload. 

You’ll again have to increase the number of reps and sets you complete to prevent any stagnation that can occur by remaining at the same level. 

In addition, you will be forcing your body to adapt to the physical challenges the Alpha Home Workout System throws at you. So that you can become a genuinely dominant male and master your own body.

This is the phase where your mettle will really be put to the test. It features the most intense workout load so that you can build solid muscle and increase your strength.

Fourth phase: Delta Phase

The final phase of the 12-month Alpha Home Workout System works to prevent you from plateauing. Finally, the Delta Phase works to specialize your workout and adapt the resistance methods you use to encourage the lean muscle growth that you’re after.

For this phase, you may need to invest in a few pieces of essential equipment, such as resistance bands and chains, to change up the workout. 

This will be much simpler than buying Olympic plates. A weightlifting setup and resistance bands are relatively affordable pieces of equipment. However, this phase may be a little tricky if you want to avoid purchasing equipment altogether.

The equipment will be necessary to get your muscles to adapt to the challenge and increase your strength. It will also be essential to follow each of the phases in order. If you skip a phase, you won’t get the alpha male physique or the results that you’re after.

specforce alpha todd lamb

What are the missions?

Each phase focuses on three different missions to help you build up your stamina so that you can get the results that you’re after. Each of these missions typically lasts for around a month until you’ve completed all 3.

The Alpha Mission

The first mission that the Alpha Home Workout System focuses on lays the foundation for building the alpha physique that you’re after. This alpha mission works to increase your body stamina as well as your workout capacity. This will then work to improve your cardiovascular circulation as well as your lean form.

It will be important to follow each of the stages to see the results that you’re after.

The Bravo Mission

So now that you’ve built up your stamina, it will be time to move on to the second mission. The Alpha Home Workout System’s next mission helps you shape and define denser muscles and heighten the focus of your six-pack. 

The whole aim of this second mission is to help define your muscles so that you can actually see the results that you’re looking for.

The Charlie Mission

The final mission in each phase is the charlie mission. This is where you build on the hard work you’ve put in so that you can get the strength and size that you’ve been after. This is where you should start to see the “Alpha Shape” physique begin to become more defined.

Pros of the Alpha Home Workout System

  • Effective – help you to lose body fat and increase lean muscle mass
  • Male focused – achieve the alpha male physique you’ve always wanted
  • Minimal equipment – no need to spend hundreds of dollars on fancy gym equipment you won’t use
  • Strength – increase your body strength thanks to the varied workouts
  • Short workouts – perform faster, more intense workouts lasting 20-30 minutes. These short workouts can be fit into even the busiest schedule for those of us who are crunched for time.
  • Video recordings – you can quickly see how to perform each workout to promote the correct form
  • No dieting – you won’t need to diet alongside the workouts to get the alpha male physique you’re after

Cons of the Alpha Home Workout System

  • Not free – you will have to pay upfront to get access to the Alpha Home Workout System
  • Resistance bands – some equipment is needed for the last phase of the 12-month program
  • Strenuous workouts – not for the faint-hearted, dedication is required for the best results
  • Patience – you won’t see immediate results after a week’s work; you will need to stay dedicated to being rewarded for your efforts

In summary

So there you have it! The Alpha Home Workout System isn’t for the casual gym-goer and needs dedication from yourself to get the alpha male physique you’re craving. 

Follow the course all the way through, put in the effort and dedication, and you will get the results you’re after from this specialized workout program.

Jeff Carpenter

2 thoughts on “A Review on the Alpha Home Workout System”

    • Hi Larry,

      I’m sorry to hear about your pneumonia and COVID recently! I hope you are recovering well. If it was me I would get active with walking and then move to running. I’d also make sure I am getting consistent balanced meals and not miss out on protein. It’s super important to build and retain muscle.

      So be sure to lift weights 3 times or more per week. Consistency in both diet and exercise is the key here.

      I wouldn’t worry much about picking up a program to follow and just hit the weights. If you are looking for a program though, Alpha is good, but in your case, something like Metabolic Factor might be a better choice. It’s really easy to follow and stick to.

      Here is my review of the program:



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