Unlock Your Hip Flexors Review: Does It Stretch Your Hips Or Your Wallet?

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If you’ve landed here, there is a good chance you are looking for something to relieve tightness of your hip flexors. Your hip flexors are the group of muscles that connect your upper and lower body.

Without them, you couldn’t walk, sit or stand. If they’re too tight, they can cause a host of problems throughout your body and even your mind.

But there’s a program, Unlock Your Hip Flexors, that claims to be able to enhance your physical and mental well-being by conditioning this muscle group.

It shows you why so many people have tight hip flexors, what problems the condition causes and how to use special stretching techniques and low-impact exercise to fix it.

I found that nothing comes close to this program in terms of the developer’s knowledge and the effectiveness of the 10 stretches and exercises taught in the program.

In this Unlock Your Hip Flexors review, I’ll show you what you’ll learn, what you’ll do, how you can benefit and whether it’s worth your time and money.

Short on time?

If you don’t have time to read through, the discounted version of the program can be found by clicking the link below for access to a discounted copy from the official website. The exercises outlined in the program are effective in unlocking your hip flexor muscles for improved athletic performance and reducing pain.

Click here to get your discounted copy of Unlock Your Hip Flexors

Consider These Things Before Starting Any Hip Flexors Stretches Or Exercises

You need to be careful with your hips. Any injury, even a simple strain, can be painful and put you out of commission for a while.

Don’t start this program, or any other like it, if you’ve had any kind of muscle, joint or tendon injury of your hips, legs or back recently. You need to be 100 percent healed before you start any regimen that targets your midsection muscles.

I’ve seen some posts and videos demonstrating how to use hip flexor stretches and exercises to speed recovery from these injuries. That’s possible, but you really need to consult your doctor or physical therapist before going this route.

Otherwise, you’re liable to make your injury much worse instead of helping your recovery along.

You may want to go ahead and get a complete physical before starting if you have any soreness in the areas I mentioned above. Any minor strains can be aggravated by these stretches.

And it bears mentioning that you should start slowly if you aren’t in the best physical shape to begin with. This particular program is designed to start you off right, but you’ll need to pay attention and take it easy at first if you go with a different program of this type.

How It Works

Here’s the in-depth analysis. This is the most complete and impartial breakdown of this product on the internet.

Do You Need This Program?

I want you to always get the best value for your money, especially when you buy a fitness program. That’s why you trust me, right?

This program is likely to be the most affordable one you’ll ever buy. This is true even if the current price doubles. But you can’t get a good value if you buy something you don’t need, regardless of how awesome the price is. So let’s talk a bit about who can benefit from working this program.

What are the symptoms of tight hip flexors?

The general symptom is simply that your muscles feel tight. You might notice stiffness in the hips, thighs or back.

You might even experience the feeling of reduced flexibility in the hips, back or upper thighs when doing exercises like jogging, lunges or stretches.

There can be pain as well…

Where is hip flexor pain felt?

The pain is normally felt in the upper groin, right where the thigh and pelvis meet. Every Day Health has a short article on this topic that also recommends a stretching routine.

The Unlock Your Hip Flexors program fits their recommendations pretty well.

The International Sports Science Associate (ISSA) states that tight hip flexors can cause trouble in other areas of your body as well. These symptoms are also indicators:

  • Trouble standing-up straight
  • Poor posture
  • Neck pain or tightness
  • Pain in your glutes

If you experience any of these symptoms constantly, there is a chance that you have locked hip flexors.

You can also benefit from this program if you have to spend extended periods of time sitting or standing in one place. If you work at a desk or drive for a living, for example, working this program may help prevent locked hip muscles.

You Will Find The Answer to: Why are my hip flexors so tight?

Your daily habits have a huge impact on your body, of course. But even the healthiest and most in-shape among us cannot avoid the number one contributor to tight hip flexors: sitting.

You can’t go without sitting. Some of us have jobs that require us to sit for extended periods.

The way you sleep can be a big contributing factor as well.

The program will teach you about all of the things we do that cause your hip flexors to get wound up. You’ll also learn what keeps them from relaxing the way your other muscles naturally do when they have to.

Being armed with this knowledge is crucial. That’s where other programs of this type fail. They just show you some exercises and basic stretching techniques, but they don’t teach you how changing your everyday habits can prevent your hip flexors from getting locked up.

You’ll Discover The Problems That Locked Hip Flexors Can Cause

hip flexor muscle diagram

Many of these problems are surprising. Your hip flexors are like your spine in the way that anything that affects them has an effect on your whole body.

Here’s just a sampling of the maladies that the developer of this program claims are caused or aggravated by tight hip flexors:

  • Poor posture
  • Pain in the legs, knees and hips
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Anxiety
  • Back pain
  • Fat loss

It makes sense that these problems can be caused by tight hip flexors when you consider the role that the muscle group plays in the body. But, looking at the full list on Unlock Your Hip Flexors’ site, it’s immediately apparent that everyone has at least one of those problems.

That doesn’t mean that everyone has chronically tight hip flexors.

Or does it?

According to Healthline, the condition is pretty common. They say that it’s a complaint that they get often from everyone from couch potatoes to professional athletes.

Unlock your Hip Flexors Stretches And Exercises

Here’s a glimpse at the actual workouts.

  1. PNF – Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation is an exercise that strengthens a targeted muscle in order to relax the muscles around it. This is a key part of the program, and just one factor that sets it apart from others. Stretching alone is a very temporary way to relax a locked muscle. PNF offers a possibly long-term solution.
  2. Dynamic Stretching – This type of stretching, not to be confused with static stretching, aims to condition a muscle around a joint in order to increase that joint’s range of motion. This can have benefits that extend far beyond loosening your hip flexors. You can gain more overall flexibility, which can enhance your normal workout routine.
  3. Fascia Stretching – The fascia are tissues that surround and separate muscles. Honestly, I’m not sure how conditioning the fascia can help to loosen or prevent the hip flexors from locking up. But the other exercises and stretches I see here are legit, so I’m going to take this one on faith.
  4. Muscle Activation Movements – Again, I’m not quite sure how this helps anything. The developer explains that, due to increasingly sedentary lifestyles and improper exercise methods, many of us have muscles that no longer “work properly.” These movements supposedly get your muscles back in sync somehow.
  5. Mobility Exercises – These easy movements are designed to increase the hip’s joints’ range of motion, much like the PNF exercise. This one works multiple individual muscles at once, rather than one at a time.
  6. 3D Core Stability Exercises – This exercises, which are largely plank-based, seek to strengthen all of your body’s muscles and increase their endurance. These aren’t hardcore workouts. They’re more like warmups. If you can do yoga, you can do these.

That’s just six of the 10 stretches and exercises. Each of the rest are pretty similar to one of the above. There aren’t any tough workouts. They’re more like movements.

Don’t expect anything like even light cardio. But, although weight and fat loss are implied, that’s not the core promise of this program.

If you are looking to burn fat, this program would need to be something you do in addition to your workouts.

However, the exercises will help very much with mobility which is beneficial to everyday tasks and workouts. It’s a good compliment to most workout programs that focus more on cardio.              

Check out this short Hip Flexor Strain video for an overview of issues and stretches to resolve them.                                                                

Is unlock your hip flexors legitimate?

I checked out all the online customer reviews that I could find online. The general feeling about this program on the net is positive. Most people say that it’s easy to follow and that the stretches and exercises are simple enough for anyone to do.

The most common complaint is about the money-back guarantee. Apparently, the customer service representatives aren’t very responsive when someone wants their money back. But returns seem pretty rare.

It appears that you need to have some basic physical flexibility to get started. Some older folks had to return the program because the beginning exercises were too much. But everyone in at least fair physical condition were able to get started.

Some people noted increased flexibility by the second day, and why not? If you’re not used to stretching, any kind of stretching regimen should give almost immediate results.

Those who choose to work out in home gyms buy programs based on what they’re told will be the benefits for them. So when I checked out the online feedback, I paid close attention to what people gained compared to what they were promised.

Benefits of unlocking your hip flexors:

  • More flexibility, especially of the hips and back
  • Reduction in body stiffness
  • Reduction in lower back pain
  • Relief from anxiety
  • Improved mood
  • Better quality of sleep
  • More endurance during exercise
  • Better posture
  • Enhanced flexibility and less stiffness are to be expected. But the anxiety relief, improved mood and better sleep are a little surprising.

Here’s the things I was hoping to see, but couldn’t find much of:

  • Reduction of belly bulge
  • Fat loss
  • Relief from knee pain

I wasn’t expecting to see any fat loss, and I didn’t. But that doesn’t mean that the claim of fat and weight loss are bunk. The gains here would be indirect. One of the most common and encouraging benefits reported are better flexibility. And that really helps you workout.

The more range of motion your muscles have, the more they move. That means you burn more calories without even realizing it. Not to mention that you’re most apt to workout and exercise for longer periods of time when you’re not stiff. So there’s that.

The bottom line:

The vast majority of people who worked this program are happy with it, and they would buy it again. The most frequently reported gains were of flexibility and the relief of pain and stiffness in the hips and back.

Pricing And Guarantee

Access to the online digital program is currently priced pretty reasonably. Less than $20 bucks. That’s lower than most other similar programs I’ve seen.

With the online version, you’ll learn all 10 of the exercises and stretches that are claimed to give you all of those awesome benefits outlined in those Unlock Your Hip Flexors reviews.

Plus you get all of the extras I’ll tell you about just below.

You can get a hardcopy of the program in the old-fashioned book format and a DVD for around $100, plus $7.95 for shipping and handling.

I have a discount link for you below, so the cost won’t be anywhere near this. The prices above are what you would expect if you went direct to their website.

Both options are covered by the 60-day money-back guarantee. If you aren’t happy with the program at any time within 60 days of purchase, just return it for a full refund.

Personally, I opt-out of DVD versions of things these days. I picked-up my copy digitally so I had instant access. I also use PayPal (or something similar) for purchases like this since it makes refunds super easy if needed.

Are There Any Unlock Your Hip Flexors Coupon Codes?

There are no discount coupon codes for this program.

However, you can get a highly discounted copy by clicking my link below. The discount applied reduces the online only version to $10. The DVD, digital and physical book version is drastically discounted to $15 plus $7.95 shipping

Click here to get your discounted copy of Unlock Your Hip Flexors

what’s Included in the Program?

There are several bonuses. Some look promising. Let’s have a looksie at what you get.

  • 30-day Pushup Challenge – This normally retails for $17, but it’s free with the program. There are three challenges that push you toward the most intense pushup session of your life, supposedly.
  • 30-day Deep Breathing Challenge – This one teaches you simple breathing techniques that can ease stress and help you relax.
  • 30-day Sleep Challenge – This one seems easy enough. It can help you get the deepest and most relaxing sleep of your life, according to the company.
  • 7-day Anti-inflammatory Diet – Learn how to avoid foods that can cause inflammation.
  • The Key To A Healthy Back And Perfect Posture – Having good posture can keep your hip flexors from getting locked up again.


Tight hip flexors really can cause problems throughout your entire body. The condition can cause pain and loss of mobility as well as some unexpected problems. But can this program actually help?

According to the Unlock Your Hip Flexors reviews that I studied, it really can. Many people have gotten the improved flexibility and relief from back and hip pain that they were after. But you shouldn’t expect miracles.

This isn’t a good way to lose weight, regardless of the claims made by the program’s developers.

The exercises, stretches and movements are gentle on the body, and almost anyone can do them. But you may want to think twice if you’ve had a muscle or tendon injury recently.

The bottom line is that this regimen can help. And it only costs $10 through my discount link for the online program. Cancel within 60 days if you regret your purchase for any reason. If you like what you’ve seen in this Unlock Your Hip Flexors review, click the link below and pick-up you discounted copy for yourself.

Click here to get your discounted copy of Unlock Your Hip Flexors

Jeff Carpenter

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