8 Week Custom Keto Diet Review – A Ticket To Healthy Living?

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Keto dieting can be tricky. It’s not as easy as eat less and exercise more. Many people fail when they try to go it alone. They fail because they don’t have a plan. In this 8 week custom keto diet plan review, we’re going to look at a keto diet that claims to be the plan you need to transition into the keto lifestyle.

The 8 Week Custom Keto Diet is a customized plan that is guaranteed to get you into ketosis and keep you on track to your weight loss goals. That’s as simple and straightforward as far as promises go, but it’s a big one.

I’m going to show you how this diet works and help you decide whether it’s the right one for you. You can check out the website here and get sign up for only $37. That’s a $60 discount for our readers.

Is Keto Right For You?

Keto diets are generally safe, but they’re not for everyone. And they may be dangerous for some. Check with your doctor if you have any of the following conditions:

  • Diabetes – Some studies show that ketogenic diets may reduce insulin dependence, which means that you medications may need adjustment.
  • Thyroid problems – Keto can affect the thyroid hormones.
  • Heart disease – Losing weight may be good for your heart, but high-fat diets are not. Keto isn’t for anyone with heart disease or are at high risk for it. A high-fiver diet may be better.
  • Pancreatitis or gallbladder removal – A high-fat diet may cause problems or discomfort is you’ve had pancreas problems or have had your gallbladder removed. A diet that gives you your calories from lean protein and complex carbs would probably be a better choice.

The Custom Keto Diet’s Features And Benefits

Let’s go through the main features of this basic keto diet plan. These particular features aren’t necessarily unique to this keto diet, but all of them together make this diet one-of-a-kind.

It’s Customized

The first thing you do is take a quiz of sorts. You enter information about your height and weight, current activity level, what your target weight is and even what kind of foods you enjoy. This is how your keto custom plan is created for you. You’ll see your body mass index as well as your recommended daily calorie and fat intake on your home screen.

Click on your meal plan to see your daily meals for the week. The meals are planned around the food you like, avoiding the foods you don’t. This is important, because you’re much more likely to stick to a diet if you like the food.

You even get a list of recommended supplements. They aren’t absolutely necessary, but they do supply the nutrients you’ll be missing by cutting carbs out. The supplement list isn’t a sales gimmick. The company doesn’t sell them, but they will direct you to an online retailer’s product page.

It’s Simple

Everything about this diet is simple, from the signup to meal preparation.

I’ve honestly never seen a user panel that was so straightforward. Navigating the site is easy and intuitive. All of the pages you need to get to are listed as icons on the side of the home screen. There aren’t any interstitial pages to slow you up.

The recipes are easy to make. In fact, most of them take less than 15 minutes to prepare. There aren’t any exotic ingredients. There are even links to third-party retailers for some of the most commonly used ingredients in the recipes. That’s great because you can stock up at a discount.

Speaking of simple. One of the features of this program this is amazing is that every meal on your plan not only has simple recipe instructions, but also a short video showing how to prepare it. I love this feature because it saves you a ton of time and makes meal prep a snap, for people like me, who need a bit of help being their own chef.

The main point of this diet is to control your caloric and macronutrient intake. In other words, it dictates what you eat. Diets of the past mostly gave you guidelines as to how many calories you should be getting from fat, protein and carbs. That’s essentially how this one works too. But it makes it really easy.

Your three meals and one snack for each day is laid out right in front of you on your My Plan page. You’ll see at a glance what you’re having for each meal on each day. You have the option of downloading or printing off your custom shopping list for as many days as you wish. From there, you just mark out the stuff you already have and buy the rest. That saves time and ensures that you don’t forget anything at the store.

You’ll Learn All About Keto

Keto 101 is included at no extra cost. It’s basically an overview of ketogenic dieting with some really good in-depth information about the most important aspects of it. Ketosis, fasting and details on how to live the keto lifestyle are covered in detail.

Having this knowledge will help you understand what’s going on in your body as you enter ketosis and start to lose weight.

That’s obvious. But you’ll use this info forever. You’ll be able to make healthy food choices at every meal. That can help you keep the weight off and live a healthier life.

There are other diets that educate you about how their plan or the diet in general works. Some of them are really good at it, too. What I like about Keto 101 is that it covers all the details in depth, while keeping it simple and interesting. It held my attention when I read it.

In addition to the Keto 101 e-book, you’ll have unlimited access to the nine-part Keto 101 video series. This series alone can teach you all about keto. Here’s a glimpse at the series:

  • Keto Introduction – This is the starting point. It’s where you’ll learn what keto is.
  • What Is The Ketogenic Diet? – This is a more in-depth look at how keto works.
  • Benefits Of The Ketogenic Diet – All of the benefits of keto, from weight loss to better sleep, are laid out here.
  • Keto Diet And Blood Pressure – Keto can lower blood pressure in hypertensive people. Here’s where you’ll learn more about this keto benefit.
  • What Do I Eat On A Ketogenic Diet? – The approved and troublesome foods are outlines here. This is an important one. You will likely make at least some of your own snacks, and you’ll want to be sure you don’t eat anything that can knock you out of ketosis.
  • How Does The Ketogenic Diet Work? – There’s some detailed information about ketosis here.
  • Getting Started On The Keto Diet – This one goes in depth about how to enter ketosis.
  • Keto Recipes – Learn how to follow keto recipes here.
  • Keto Tips, Hacks And Conclusion – There are some really useful tips and answers to common keto questions here

It’s A Long-Term Resource

This particular keto diet lasts for 8 weeks. That means that your eating plan is customized to help you reach your target weight in eight weeks, based on your starting weight and activity level.

But you have access to your profile and customer support for life. You may be wondering what you would need this kind of forever access for. There are several reasons why this is helpful.

You may actually need a bit longer to lose the weight. Some people slip up. If you slip on any keto diet, you may get knocked out of ketosis. This will add to the length of the diet. Having unlimited forever access means you won’t be left out in the cold if it takes you longer that eight weeks to get to your goal.

And what if you gain some of that weight back? It can happen after any diet. In this case, you won’t have to pay for the program again. You’ll be able to work the diet as often and as frequently as you need to.

Another benefit is that you’ll always be able to jump on there and read Keto 101 and watch the informative videos whenever you want to.

You Can Easily Track Your Progress

It’s important to track your progress on any diet as you work toward your goals. First off, you want to know that it’s working, right? You want to see how quickly it’s working. Perhaps most importantly, you need that progress for custinspiration and encouragement. Tracking your progress is easy here. It’s all laid out for you in an easy to understand manner.

Custom Keto FAQ

Does It Work?

It works as well as any other well-made keto plan. If you follow the plan, you will enter ketosis and lose weight.

Is The This Keto Diet Plan Free?

No, the regular cost is $97 for lifetime access. But you can save $60 by using the link at the beginning and end of this post.

How Do I Start A Ketogenic Diet?

Keto works by forcing the body to enter a state of ketosis. In this state, the body burns fat as its primary fuel. To start a keto diet, you basically have to starve your body of simple sugars and carbs.

How Much Weight Can I Lose In Eight Weeks Of Keto?

It depends. Some have lost 40 pounds or more in eight weeks. But those are extraordinary cases. 16 to 20 pounds is a more reasonable expectation. But since you get unlimited lifetime access to the plan when you sign up, you can stay on the diet for as long as you need to achieve the results you want.

Real-World Results

I studied what other people who actually bought and used the program had to say about it. In general, those people have a very positive opinion of it.

There are a lot of brags about weight loss, but there were some complaints about it being hard to enter ketosis and easy to get bumped out of it. That’s a con of keto in general. There’s nothing about this particular diet that makes it harder to stay in ketosis than on any other keto diet.

I couldn’t find any legitimate complaints about the user panel or customer service. I really looked too. The overall feeling about the site is that it’s intuitive. That’s one thing that I really like about the site myself.

Results are what matters about a diet, right? Well, the results from this diet seem to be about the same as any other well-developed keto plan. The diet itself works, as long as the dieter follows it faithfully. And the easy-to-use and understand site makes it easy to follow the diet.

Here’s a sample of an actual user testimonial that I think sums up all the reviews out there:

“I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to get into ketosis. But I was there in four days! Following the meal plan was easy. And I like that I didn’t have to eat any tofu or strange vegetables that I don’t like. I was able to eat stuff I do like, and I lost 14 pounds in eight weeks. And I still use the meal plan sometimes because I actually like the food.”

Alternative Keto Diets

Like I always say, no diet is right for everyone. It’s a really good idea to check out similar plans before spending your money and committing your time. Check out these other two keto diets.

28 Day Keto Challenge

This one is very similar, but it is designed to help you meet your goal in half the time. That means that your daily caloric intake will be lower. So it may be harder to stick to this one, especially if you want to lose a lot of weight.

The diet itself is laid out in pretty much the same way. You are given a daily meal plan that includes breakfast, lunch, dinner and a snack. You won’t find quite as much variety, however. The site isn’t quite as easy to use, either, but I wouldn’t say it’s difficult.

Click here to see my review of 28-Day Keto Challenge.

Fresh Meal Plan

This is a meal delivery service. You create your own weekly meal plan by choosing your meals from the keto menu. You can purchase all of your meals and snacks like this, or just one entree per day. It’s totally up to you. At any rate, they ship weekly. It is rather expensive, but all you have to do is heat the food up. There is no prep work involved. What I like about it is that the food is fresh. It’s never frozen. This makes a big difference in the flavor department.

For more info about Fresh Meal Plan, read my review here.

8 Week Custom Keto Diet Review in Summary

Ketogenic diets work, at least in principle. The difference between success and failure relies on the dieter’s ability to follow the diet. In order to offer success, any diet has to be fairly easy to follow, but it still has to teach enough about its particular dieting method so that it all makes sense.

The 8 Week Custom Keto Diet Plan excels in both of those areas. Whether you’ve tried keto before or you’re looking for a beginners keto diet plan, you can meet your weight loss goals with this program. All it takes is a desire to succeed.

If you do decide to go this route, use this link to get the plan for the special price of just $37.

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