7 Metabolic Renewal Hormone Types And How To Identify Yours

What Are The 7 Metabolic Renewal Hormone Types?

These hormone types are associated with different stages of a woman’s reproductive cycle and menopausal transition. Each type has specific hormonal imbalances that can affect metabolism, weight, appetite, fat storage, and cravings. The Metabolic Renewal weight loss program offers customized diet plans based on identifying an individual’s hormone type.

Hormone Types

  • HORMONE TYPE 1: Normal Menstrual Cycle (Estrogen and Progesterone Balanced)
  • HORMONE TYPE 2: Normal Menstrual Cycle (Estrogen Dominant)
  • HORMONE TYPE 3: Normal Menstrual Cycle (Progesterone Deficient)
  • HORMONE TYPE 4: Normal Menstrual Cycle (Estrogen and Progesterone Deficient)
  • HORMONE TYPE 5: Perimenopause (Estrogen Fluctuating, Progesterone Deficient)
  • HORMONE TYPE 6: Menopause (Estrogen and Progesterone Deficient)
  • HORMONE TYPE 7: Post Menopause (Estrogen and Progesterone Deficient)

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Your weight depends on your metabolism and how your body processes and stores food. However, women have an extra challenge. 

Hormone fluctuations affect your appetite (hello, PMS and pregnancy cravings!) and how much of those calories end up as unwanted body fat. After 30, your metabolism also starts to slow down. 

Good news for women who want to lose weight: you can renew your metabolism if you understand how your hormones affect it. 

Women have different hormone levels—not just based on their unique body chemistry, but your age and other lifestyle factors like stress. 

Metabolic Renewal is a unique weight loss program that identifies your hormone type and customizes your hormone diet. 

In this article, we’ll look at: 

  • What is metabolism, and how your hormones affect it 
  • Different kinds of hormone profiles 
  • How to find out your own Hormone Profile and what you can do about it

How do hormones affect my metabolism and weight? 

Metabolism is basically all the chemical reactions that your body goes through when it converts food into energy—and it’s affected by hormones in different ways. 

Hormones control your appetite

Hunger hormones like ghrelin and motilin signal when you need food. They trigger intestine contractions, stomach rumbling, and other signs like light-headedness. 

Satiety hormones like leptin, insulin, and obestatin create the feeling of being full, so you no longer feel the desire to eat. 

Any imbalances in these hormones can make you “always feel hungry” and make it difficult to control your portions. For example, leptin is a hormone produced by fat cells. 

So, if you have high body fat, your leptin levels are high, and your body becomes desensitized to it. That’s why people with obesity often develop leptin resistance

Remember that your “appetite hormones” are also affected by other hormones in your body, especially progesterone, estrogen, and cortisol. 

So, for example, when estrogen levels are high—like during PMS or pregnancy—your appetite increases

Hormones control your sugar and fat storage 

Estrogen actually controls fat distribution. It’s the hormone that helps create the “womanly shape”: breasts and more prominent fat in the pelvis, buttocks, and thighs. 

Aside from its impact on where you put on fat, researchers have even found that it affects the DNA responsible for controlling weight. 

That’s not the only way estrogen can affect fat storage. It directly affects how your body detects insulin and uses it. 

High estrogen levels will increase insulin resistance, prompting your body to store any extra sugar as fat.

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Hormones can trigger cravings for unhealthy food 

Do you notice that your appetite changes during your menstrual cycle? Several studies (including this one) link fluctuations and imbalances of estrogen and progesterone levels to the craving for high-carbohydrate, high-sugar food. 

That explains the intense PMS cravings for pizza, cake, and ice cream. But women with irregular periods (a sign of hormonal imbalances), or those with the more intense form of PMS called premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), may be prone to binge-eating and weight gain more often.

Hormones can increase your belly fat 

Low estrogen levels contribute to belly fat. It’s common for women’s estrogen levels to decrease during menopause. Still, your hormone levels can also dip if you have thyroid and pituitary gland issues. 

Stress can mess up your hormones, too. That’s because you release more cortisol, and high levels of this cortisol can lower your estrogen. So, if you’re stress eating, there’s a big chance that the calories are going straight to your midsection, making it hard to lose weight.

What is causing my hormonal imbalance?

Many things can cause your hormone levels to fluctuate. And since hormones often interact—like the link between cortisol and estrogen and progesterone and estrogen—any imbalance can cause a domino effect that will affect your body and keep you from maintaining a healthy weight. 

Factors include: 

  • Age 
  • Diet 
  • Medical conditions 
  • Some medications 
  • Lifestyle 
  • Stress and environment 

That’s basically… everything in everyday life. 

So that’s why women can have very different hormone profiles, and it’s essential to find out what you have and how it’s affecting your metabolism. 

What are the different hormone types?

The Metabolic Renewal weight loss program has identified seven different kinds of hormone profiles. It even gives a quiz to help you determine what your “rating” hormone type is. Knowing this, they will create a hormone diet tailored to you.

Their hormone diet plans only include minimally processed foods to promote hormonal balance and normal menstrual cycles. The long-term goal includes low-impact cardiovascular exercise (some light weights) to improve overall health.

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HORMONE TYPE 1: Normal Menstrual Cycle (Estrogen and Progesterone Balanced)


Women who start with this hormone type and have regular menstrual cycles usually fall under this category. This is because your estrogen and progesterone levels fall within the normal range. However, that doesn’t mean that your hormones don’t fluctuate. 

In the first half of your period, your estrogen levels are higher. As we described earlier, estrogen affects your body’s carbohydrates, fat, and protein processes. So the good news is that your metabolism is burning food more efficiently in this time frame. 

Now, the bad news. When estrogen levels peak, your sugar and carb cravings will intensify, and you will want to binge. Self-control, or being mindful of choosing healthier versions of those cravings, is key.   

And sorry—more bad news. In the second half of your period, estrogen levels will drop, and progesterone levels will increase. As a result, your body will tend to store more sugar and fat. Now, you’ll have to put more thought into what and how much you eat. 

Since stress can lower your estrogen levels even more, it’s really important to look after your emotional and mental well-being at this time.

HORMONE TYPE 2: Normal Menstrual Cycle (Estrogen Dominant)

Hormone Overdrive

Women who fall under this category have unusually high levels of estrogen. 

Symptoms of high estrogen include:

  • Painful PMS symptoms.
  • Periods that are either very light or very heavy.
  • A tendency to get bloated.

Outside of those “period symptoms,” you may also have low energy levels, low sex drive, low mood or even anxiety or depression, and difficulty sleeping. 

Causes of high estrogen levels can include obesity, medical conditions such as PCOS or endometriosis, medications, alcohol consumption, and stress. 

Environmental toxins called xenoestrogens can also mimic the effect of estrogen in the body. This includes phthalates and BPAs in beauty products and some kinds of plastics. 

There is also research that GMOs in food can cause hormonal imbalances.

HORMONE TYPE 3: Normal Menstrual Cycle (Progesterone Deficient)

Hormone Shortfall

This is characterized by low progesterone levels. Women with low progesterone typically have short cycles and irregular periods and will experience spotting before their period arrives. They may also experience moodiness, anxiety, and depression. 

Causes of low progesterone include prolonged stress, an anovulatory menstrual cycle, conditions like hypothyroidism, and low cholesterol levels. 

Low progesterone can slow down your metabolism because it plays a big role in how your body breaks down carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. 

Plus, low progesterone means that your body is estrogen-dominant, increasing your tendency to overeat and store nutrients as fat. 

HORMONE TYPE 4: Normal Menstrual Cycle (Estrogen and Progesterone Deficient)

Ovarian burnout 

In this case, you have low levels of both estrogen and progesterone. This can happen because of prolonged stress, over-exercising, thyroid issues, or problems with other hormones like prolactin. It’s what is referred to as ovarian burnout.

Symptoms may include a very irregular period—you rarely get it, and it’s very light when you do. Since estrogen and progesterone affect your sleep, mood, and brain function, you may also experience insomnia, brain fog and memory problems, low energy, and mood swings. 

This can all affect your diet and your weight loss. Lack of sleep, stress and anxiety, lethargy, and mood swings can all affect your food choices and how your body functions. If your body and mind are burnt out, your metabolism isn’t going to work well either.

HORMONE TYPE 5: Perimenopause (Estrogen Fluctuating, Progesterone Deficient)

Metabolic sputter

Women in this category have very high or erratic estrogen and progesterone levels. This is common for women who are peri-menopausal, have health conditions, or are taking medications that can cause hormones to go haywire. 

Since your hormones fluctuate, your metabolism is also unpredictable. That can be very challenging when you’re trying to lose weight. However, once you know the problem, you can find a solution—like managing stress or choosing food that won’t cause more hormonal spikes.

HORMONE TYPE 6: Menopause (Estrogen and Progesterone Deficient)

Ovarian Fatigue

Menopause brings many symptoms—from hot flashes to mood swings to long-term changes to your body. You may feel less energetic, and the hormonal shifts may make you moodier or more prone to anxiety. 

As you ride that physical and emotional roller coaster, it becomes even harder to stick to a hormone diet or exercise routine. Your metabolism is also slowing down, so you may gain weight faster or take longer to lose it.   

But losing weight isn’t just about fitting into your old pants. 

It can significantly lower your risk for heart attack, stroke, and other conditions. 

One of the advantages of the program is that it recognizes the challenges and has tailored a hormone diet and exercise program for women going through menopause—so you can overcome a potential hormone shortfall and look great and be healthy at any age.

HORMONE TYPE 7: Post Menopause (Estrogen and Progesterone Deficient)

Ovarian Shutdown 

In post-menopause, your estrogen and progesterone levels are at their lowest. This does affect your metabolism, including increasing your carb sensitivity and insulin resistance. You are also more vulnerable to the effects of stress, which can lower your hormone levels even further.

However, at this age, your body needs nutrients in order to stay healthy and strong. 

It is hazardous to go on a crash diet or follow a fad diet where you cut out entire food groups. In fact, completely cutting out carbohydrates can increase your stress levels and also deprive you of a good source of energy. 

So, if you fall under this category, it’s important to get the right balance of nutrients (eat a little processed foods as possible), and get regular physical activity each day. You’ll have energy, and exercise is proven to bring many benefits beyond burning calories. 

It boosts your endorphin levels and your mood, increases mental alertness, lowers blood pressure, improves circulation and oxygen levels, and more.

Master your metabolism!

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The problem with many diets and weight loss programs is that they assume that everyone has the same metabolism. “If you eat this and work out this many times a week, you’ll hit your goals!” 

But that can lead to a lot of frustration and even affect your self-esteem and for some, weight gain. People are so often told that losing weight is just about willpower and sticking to a routine, so when it doesn’t work, you think, “I failed. I’m never going to lose this weight.” 

But the problem isn’t you; it’s a program that doesn’t factor in your personal metabolism. Metabolism issues can affect your appetite, so you feel hungry and miserable whenever you go on a diet. 

It can affect your body’s tendency to store food as fat, so you gain weight even when you think you’re following all the diet rules.

To correct your metabolism issues, you have to look at hormones that affect it, especially estrogen, progesterone, and cortisol (stress hormone). 

All these are scientifically proven to affect your appetite, sugar and fat storage, insulin resistance, and other factors that contribute to weight gain. 

Metabolic Renewal has identified 7 different kinds of “hormone categories” and tailors a weight loss program for each one. It also helps you prevent, correct, or manage hormonal imbalances. 

For example, you need to manage stress if you have irregular estrogen and progesterone levels. Stress will make your hormone issues worse, and that will ultimately slow down your metabolism and cause you to gain weight.

That’s a big eye-opener for people who thought losing weight was just about watching what you eat. But once you know that’s the problem, you can make simple changes like learning how to meditate or scheduling more Me Time in your busy week. 

When you understand your hormone type, you can master your metabolism—and improve your chances of losing weight and keeping the weight off. 

Many women have found great success with the program, sharing not only shed pounds but now feel more energetic and confident. (Read my article about whether or not the program works.)

So if you’re frustrated by your weight loss journey, don’t blame yourself: Understanding your hormone type and how it’s affecting your metabolism can only help with weight loss. Take the Metabolic Renewal Hormone Type Quiz today.

Best wishes to you on your weight loss journey!

Readers who take the quiz through links on this site are granted an exclusive discount that is not available anywhere else.

References and cited sources:

Kubala, J. (2021, September 15). How do your hormones affect your weight(weight loss) ? Healthline. Retrieved August 23, 2022, from https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/how-hormones-influence-your-weight-all-you-need-to-know#satiety-and-hunger

Ur medicine menopause and Women’s Health, and weight loss. UR Medicine Menopause and Women’s Health – Practices – Gynecology – UR Medicine Obstetrics & Gynecology – University of Rochester Medical Center. (n.d.). Retrieved August 23, 2022, from https://www.urmc.rochester.edu/ob-gyn/ur-medicine-menopause-and-womens-health.aspx

Low progesterone symptoms, causes of weight gain, and what you can do about it. Flo.health – #1 mobile product for women’s health. (n.d.). Retrieved August 23, 2022, from https://flo.health/menstrual-cycle/health/symptoms-and-diseases/low-progesterone-symptoms

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