Is Bang Energy Drink Bad For You? 5 Reasons Not To Worry

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Energy drinks have long been touted as terrible for you, with their high sugar content. And also, an immense level of caffeine and substitute sugars can affect various kidney and liver functions. Bang arrived on the scene with a new take on healthy energy drinks. Did they succeed?

Bang energy drinks are generally healthier than most. Due to the high caffeine content, the only concern would be for those with a pre-existing medical condition who are pregnant or are nursing.

As with everything in life, Bang is safe to drink in moderation, but you should be doing something other than stacking seven empty cans in the garbage daily. 

Even water is dangerous when people drink it in excess. However, Bang is a different kind of energy drink, and because of that, here are five reasons not to worry.

The Amount of Caffeine Isn’t Harmful

Most Bang energy drinks (over 30 flavors) contain 300mg of caffeine, while a few are slightly higher, at 350mg. According to the FDA (Food and Drug Administration), 400mg of caffeine per day is completely safe and within moderation. 

However, some people don’t tolerate caffeine well, and some prefer to drink 6 or 7 cans of Bang daily. For those people, Bang can be dangerous. While caffeine isn’t known for causing heart attacks or strokes, it could contribute to someone who already has heart disease. 

You also shouldn’t consume this amount of caffeine if you are pregnant or nursing, as caffeine can have different and unpleasant effects on nursing babies and babies in the womb. However, consuming too much caffeine can cause some issues for everyone else. 

  • Jittery, nervous activity in the muscles
  • Anxiety
  • Nausea
  • Panic attacks
  • Headache
  • Dysphoria
  • Rapid heart rate
  • Heart palpitations
  • Upset stomach

Caffeine is one of the oldest consumable substances in the history of the world. As a result, there have been more studies on caffeine and its effects on people than anything else. Yet, after all this time, it’s well-known that staying under 400mg each day is perfectly fine. 

Plus, caffeine in moderation is considered to be pretty healthy. According to Hopkins Medicine, caffeine promotes more extended life, improved DNA strength, decreased chance of stroke, Parkinson’s, odds of colon cancer, risk of Alzheimer’s, and more robust liver protection.

Hopkins sticks with the same model promoted by the FDA—that no more than 400mg of caffeine daily is safe. 

Bang Energy Drinks Have Electrolytes

Bang energy drinks come with plenty of electrolytes, including 40mg sodium, 85mg potassium, and 2% Magnesium. The exact milligrams of magnesium are unknown, but it constitutes 2% of the daily recommended intake. 

Sugars disrupt the electrolytes’ abilities to support the body’s various functions for which they are intended. In addition, the more you sweat and urinate, the more electrolytes you use. So, it’s essential to replace the electrolytes in your system. 

The best way to do that is to consume foods and beverages that contain the necessary electrolytes. Electrolytes serve a variety of functions in the body. 

They regulate the muscles in your body when you use them. If you are sitting around and notice one of your muscles jumping involuntarily, you’re probably short on electrolytes. 

They also help you absorb water so you can stay properly hydrated. Since the kind of people who naturally lean towards Bang are athletes and bodybuilders, staying hydrated is very important. 

Electrolytes also maintain your pH balance. Your pH levels determine the level of alkalinity and acidity in your body. Without a proper amount of electrolytes in your body, you may experience various symptoms. 

  • Headaches
  • A general feeling of fatigue
  • Changes in your blood pressure
  • Cramps
  • Involuntary muscles jumping

While the sugar, sodium, and water in most energy drinks assist your body in absorbing necessary electrolytes, most energy drinks have so much sugar that it essentially subverts the whole process. 

Bang energy drinks don’t have any sugar at all, so there is no level of interruption when your body needs to absorb electrolytes. 

Electrolytes also assist your nervous system in doing its job. Without your nervous system working at capacity, it’s more difficult to focus, remember where you put your car keys or the TV remote, or tackle complex mental activities. 

You’ll find that a proper supply of electrolytes will maintain alertness, focus, and overall energy levels for your workout time and beyond. 

BCAAs and EAAs in Bang Energy Drinks

Bang contains several BCAAs and EAAs, which are branch-chain amino acids and essential amino acids. These include several vitamins you usually get in pill form on the nutritional supplements aisle. 

Vitamin B3, Vitamin B6, and Vitamin B12 are three of the eight B vitamins. 

Vitamin B3 (Niacin)

You will find B3 in a number of foods, such as avocados and carrots, or sold separately as a supplement. There are over 400 enzyme-uses for niacin in the body, so it comes in quite handy. Without niacin, your body couldn’t convert nutrients into energy. 

Since food is our primary source of nutrients (more specifically, the nutrients our body derives from the food), niacin is a necessity in the body. For example, each can of Bang Energy contains 5mg of niacin, which is 30% of the daily recommended amount. 

Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)

Another helpful enzyme, Vitamin B6 assists 100 enzymes, which is only a quarter of what niacin assists. However, those 100 enzymes perform important functions, and any help they can get is tremendously beneficial. 

B5 assists these enzymes as they break down carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. The breakdown of these nutrients is necessary for maintaining a balanced homocysteine level. If your homocysteine levels climb too high, it can cause various heart issues. 

These enzymes also support brain health and the streamlined function of your immune system. Each can of Bang comes with .05mg of Vitamin B6, which is 30% of the recommended daily amount.

Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin)

B12 is a binder, meaning that it binds to the proteins in our bodies and that allows it to basically be unpacked when the enzymes go through their unpacking process on those same proteins. 

Since B12 is hitching a ride, they get unpacked as well. This time, however, the unpacked B12 is in its purest form, where it goes on to help repair DNA and red blood cells. That makes B12 one of the most essential EAAs around. 

It also aids in the production of brain and nerve cells and the brain’s functions. 

So it’s essential in children’s growth and maturation of all of the above. Bang energy drinks contain 1.5mcg of Vitamin B12, 60% of the recommended daily intake. 

BCAAs and EAAs Importance

BCAAs and EAAs also include the Ls, such as L-leucine, L-isoleucine, L-lysine, and L-threonine. Our bodies use branch-chain amino acids to construct new proteins, an essential function for those who are into weightlifting and have an active lifestyle. 

Since your body cannot manufacture BCAAs on its own, it depends on our daily intake to take advantage of them.

What About Bang Super Creatine?

Bang Energy also has a proprietary form of Creatine called Super Creatine. It’s more water soluble than pure Creatine Monohydrate. But it’s impact on building muscle is minimal. My article about “how much creatine is in Bang” explains it all.

Bang Has Zero Everything

Bang energy drinks are renowned for tasting excellent (with over 30 flavors) and pulling it off without packing in the sugars. Bang contains zero calories, zero sugars, zero artificial colors, and zero carbohydrates. 

That covers every modern fad diet there is. But, as we mentioned earlier, too much sugar is detrimental to your body’s functions, especially when it comes to the absorption of various nutrients. 

Too much sugar also equals a sugar crash. Bang prides itself on its ability to taste good and provide nutrition without consumers going through the inevitable sugar crash. 

While you need calories throughout your day, you don’t need the excess calories in your beverages. Extra calories are stored as fat; when you consume too much throughout the day, you’re bound to have some leftover calories to deal with. 

Cutting carbs helps to lose weight rapidly because your body reacts to the lack of carbohydrates by dropping your water weight first.

Suppose you’re on a low-carb diet and exercising throughout the day. In that case, a Bang energy drink won’t add anything extra for you to handle. 

Last but not least, you would be surprised at how detrimental artificial colors are to your overall health. They cause a number of problems in people, especially young adults and kids. 

Bang Contains CoQ10 and Vitamin C

CoQ10 and Vitamin C are antioxidants, along with other uses. Most people understand that Vitamin C helps to strengthen the immune system. But it also helps to protect your healthy cells from what are called free radicals. 

Vitamin C is also responsible for helping your body build collagen, cartilage, blood vessels, and muscles. Unfortunately, your body doesn’t make its own vitamin C, so you have to get it from what you eat or drink. 

Each can of Bang contains 27mg of Vitamin C, which is 30% of your recommended daily intake. CoQ10 is also an antioxidant, so you get to double up on pushing unnecessary stuff out of your body. 

Your body does produce CoQ10 on its own, but a can of Bang adds a degree of CoQ10 on top of that. Research on CoQ10 shows that there are a number of benefits to this natural antioxidant.

  • Improves symptoms of congestive heart failure
  • Decreases migraine frequency and intensity
  • Improves your physical stamina and energy
  • Lowers the risk of heart disease in diabetes patients

The immediate and primary benefit of CoQ10 in Bang is the physical boost that it’s purported to supply. CoQ10 and Vitamin C are perfectly made for one another, working in harmony to clean the body and boost physical performance. 

With the added benefit of Vitamin C’s ability to repair muscle and various tissues (along with also aiding in healing time), it’s a potent combination. 

Both of which are found in a single Bang energy drink. 

Is Bang Energy Bad For You? All Things Considered

There you have it. 5 good reasons not to worry about Bang energy drinks being bad for you.

The folks behind Bang aimed to create an energy drink that supplied athletes with a pre-workout option while avoiding a crash and burning from too much sugar. 

Thanks to their efforts, they largely succeeded. As a result, Bang Energy drinks have quietly become some of the most popular energy drinks today.

References and Citations

Coenzyme Q10

Retrieved from:

Stinson, A. (March 1, 2019). Health benefits of BCAAs

Retrieved from:

Jeff Carpenter

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