How Long Does it Take to Walk 1 Mile Or More? 9 Big Factors

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Have you decided to get some extra exercise or walk to work today? You’ll want to know how long it takes to walk a Mile — or perhaps even 10. 

A 2021 meta-analysis of 35 studies revealed that most people have an outdoor walking pace of 2 to 4 miles per hour. This means most people can walk a Mile in 15 to 30 minutes if they try.

Key Takeaways

  • The average person walks a Mile in 15-30 minutes, 2 Miles in 30-60 minutes, 3 Miles in 45-90 minutes, 5 Miles in an hour 75-150 minutes, and 10 Miles in 150-300 minutes. 
  • Your physical fitness, age, and footwear impact your walking speed significantly. 
  • The incline, weather, and how fast you’re trying to go make a difference, too.

Factors That Impact Walking Speed

People just going about their daily activities walk at an average pace of 2.8 Miles per hour, a 2011 study showed.

You’ll generally pick up the pace if you’re walking for exercise or to get somewhere than if you’re shuffling over to the printer or fridge. 

Even on an outdoor walk, many things impact your speed, and the time it takes you to walk 1, 2, 3, 5, or 10 Miles. Let’s take a look at them!

Your Pace

    You may decide to walk at a slow, regular, or brisk pace.

      Your Physical Fitness

      Physically fit people are more likely to be able to maintain a brisk pace over a longer distance if they set their mind to it. You’ll tire more quickly and inevitably slow down if you’re out of shape.

      The Terrain

      Walking downhill is much easier than walking uphill — so it’s also usually faster. A steep incline of 10 to 20 percent forces you to take smaller steps. You’ll expend more effort and take longer to reach your destination.

      It’s also logical that it takes longer to walk a Mile on muddy, gravelly, or slippery terrain than on a smooth asphalt road.

        The Weather

        Rainy weather may force you to slow down as you watch your step more carefully. Hot weather makes it dangerous to exert yourself and calls for frequent water breaks. 

        Freezing weather requires you to dress the part, and all those extra layers can slow you down.

        Pleasant spring or fall weather naturally speeds you up — and a nice, cool summer evening can do the same.

          Your Age

          Young and healthy adults have the fastest natural walking pace. You’ll slow down as you age on average by 0.0037 meters per second per year. Age doesn’t make as much of a difference as you might think, though. A 60-year-old loses just over a minute when walking a Mile compared to a 20-year-old.

            Your Weight

            A higher Body Mass Index slows you down and generally causes you to get tired more quickly. 

            Your Footwear

            High-quality walking shoes support you in your adventures and make it easier to walk a mile or more. You wouldn’t want to attempt 10 Miles in flip-flops!

            Your Sex

            Men have longer legs and wider gaits than women — making them faster. However, research shows that people naturally adjust their speed to match that of the people they’re with. Women speed up, and men slow down.

              The Purpose of Your Walk

              You’ll want to commit to a brisk pace if you’re walking to get exercise. If you’re hoping to explore a new city or get a good look at all the plants around the park, you’ll slow down.

              The company you’re in also impacts your speed. Just like men slow down when they’re taking a walk with a woman, while women speed up, you’ll slow down if you’re taking a walk with an elderly relative and pick up the pace when you’re in the company of an athlete.

                Walking Speeds in MpH and KpH

                We walk for many different reasons — and our purpose determines how fast we’ll try to go. The Auckland research team that analyzed the average walking speeds of healthy adults, publishing their findings in the Journal of Sports Medicine in 2021, chose to break the average speed down into four different paces:

                • People enjoying a slow, leisurely walk average 1.8 Miles (2.9 Kilometers) per hour. 
                • The team found the regular (“usual”) walking pace to be 2.9 Miles (4.7 Kilometers) per hour.
                • People walking at a medium or brisk pace typically walk 3.3 Miles (5.3 Kilometers) per hour. 
                • A fast walking pace gets you to 3.8 Miles (6.1 Kilometers) per hour.

                These walking speeds are the mean of 14,015 participants, giving you an excellent idea of the typical speed at each pace. Keep in mind that your walking speed depends on a range of factors — both within and beyond your control.

                  Average Time to Walk 1, 2, 3, 5, and 10 Miles by Pace

                  Want to know how long it’ll take you to get where you’re going? Use this handy table to calculate your predicted time in minutes based on your pace.

                  Distance walked (minutes)Slow Pace: 2 mph or less (minutes)Regular Pace: 2-3 mph (minutes)Brisk Pace: 3-4 mph (minutes)
                  1 mile30 min15 min10 min
                  2 miles60 min30 min20 min
                  3 miles90 min45 min30 min
                  4 miles120 min60 min40 min
                  5 miles150 min75 min50 min
                  6 miles180 min90 min60 min
                  7 miles210 min105 min70 min
                  8 miles240 min120 min80 min
                  9 miles270 min135 min90 min
                  10 miles300 min150 min100 min

                  Remember that your time changes if you can’t keep your pace up the entire time — which becomes more likely the longer you walk!

                    Average Walking Speed by Age

                    It’s no secret that we all slow down as we age, no matter how fit we are. Here’s how that works out in practice:

                    Distance Walked  (miles)Age 18-35 (minutes)Age 36-50 (minutes)Age 51-65 (minutes)Age 65+ (minutes)
                    1 mile25 min30 min35 min40 min
                    2 miles50 min60 min70 min80 min
                    3 miles75 min90 min105 min120 min
                    4 miles100 min120 min140 min160 min
                    5 miles125 min150 min175 min200 min

                    You’ll be hard-pressed to reach 2 Miles per hour by the time you’re 80 — unless you’re extremely fit. In which case, good for you!

                    Average Walk Time for Races

                    Would you like to participate in a race? If you’re up to the challenge, you might want to participate in a 5K, 10K, half marathon, or full marathon. No participant is expected to run the entire time, but many choose to walk all the way. 

                    That’s often OK, too. Let’s see how long it takes.

                    Race TypeDistance Walked (miles)Slow Pace: 2 mph or less (minutes)Regular Pace: 2-3 mph (minutes)Brisk Pace: 3-4 mph
                    Mile1 mile20 min15 min12 min
                    2k1.24 miles25 min18.75 min15 min
                    5k3.1 miles57.5 min43.125 min34.5 min
                    10k6.2 miles115 min86.25 min69 min
                    Half-marathon13.1 miles279.5 min209.625 min172.5 min
                    Marathon26.2 miles559 min419.25 min345 min
                    Ultramarathon50 miles1050 min787.5 min675 min

                    These estimates assume that you’ll be able to maintain your walking speed the entire time. That’s not necessarily realistic — so be prepared for slightly slower speeds, especially if you’re going for a half marathon or full marathon.

                    Average Walk Time for Up Hill

                    Walking uphill at an incline of five to 10 percent slows you down by 10 to 20 percent — because your body has to work harder to keep going. Here’s how long it takes you to walk various distances uphill.

                    Distance  (miles)Slow Pace: 2 mph or less (min)Regular Pace (2-3 mph)Brisk Pace (3-4 mph)
                    1 mile33.75 min22.5 min15 min
                    2 miles67.5 min45 min30 min
                    3 miles101.25 min67.5 min45 min
                    4 miles135 min90 min60 min
                    5 miles168.75 min112.5 min75 min
                    6 miles202.5 min135 min90 min
                    7 miles236.25 min157.5 min105 min
                    8 miles270 min180 min120 min
                    9 miles303.75 min202.5 min135 min
                    10 miles337.5 min225 min150 min

                    Final Thoughts

                    How long does it take to walk a Mile or more? The average person can reach speeds of 2 MpH without much effort — allowing you to walk a mile in 30 minutes. Speed up a bit, and you’ll make it in 15 minutes at a pace of 4 Miles per hour. 

                    Your age, fitness level, and footwear will impact your average walking speed, along with the weather, incline, purpose of your walk, who you’re with, and the distance you’re going. You can get faster over time by incorporating walking into your daily routine and living a healthy lifestyle. 



                    Margaret Boyles. (2022, March 23). How slow walking is good for your health. Retrieved February 17, 2023, from

                    Murtagh, E. M. (2021, January). Outdoor walking speeds of apparently healthy adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Sports medicine (Auckland, N.Z.). Retrieved February 17, 2023, from

                    Wagnild, J., & Cara Wall-Scheffler. (n.d.). Energetic consequences of human sociality: Walking speed choices among … Retrieved February 17, 2023, from, M., Moore, C., Lederer, C., Neuhaus, A., Sambrook, J., Danesh, J., Ouwehand, W., & Daumer, M. (n.d.). Association between walking speed and age in healthy, free-living individuals using mobile accelerometry-a cross-sectional study. PLOS ONE. Retrieved February 17, 2023, from

                    Jeff Carpenter

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